Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Study conception, design, planning, supervision |
Emily Towner | Study conception, design, planning, implementation, enrollment, data cleaning, documentation creation |
Danielle Ladensack | Study conception, design, planning, implementation, enrollment |
Kristen Chu | Study design, planning, enrollment |
Chloe Schwartz | Recruitment, enrollment, documentation editing |
Aileen Gozali | Implementation, piloting |
Nicole Fonacier | Recruitment, piloting, REDCap questionnaire entry |
Mikey To | Clinical cutoffs, undergraduate project |
Grant Grech | Piloting, REDCap questionnaire entry |
Alyssa Wieand | REDCap questionnaire entry |
Reese Wix | REDCap questionnaire entry |
Projects / Papers
COVID, Distress, and ELS
Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Supervision, writing, editing |
Emily Towner | Data analysis, ISDP 2020 poster |
Health Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, and Media Consumption Amid COVID-19
Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Supervision |
Emily Towner | Preregistration |
Mikey To | Concept generation, undergraduate honors project |
Health Behaviors and Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Supervision |
Emily Towner | Preregistration |
Danielle Ladensack | Preregistration |
Mental Health Change Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Supervision |
Emily Towner | Preregistration |
Somatic Markers of Negative Affect (SOMNA) Validation
Name | Role |
Bridget Callaghan | Supervision, SOMNA development |
Emily Towner | SOMNA development |
Danielle Ladensack | SOMNA development |