
Troubleshooting - Internet Issues

If internet/wifi seems to be malfunctioning…

[Try to get the best internet connection possible.]

Are you working on a computer that is connected via ethernet cable? We want to ensure you have the best internet connection possible for the session, as we will be doing many activities today that may need strong internet connection. Can you possibly transfer to a computer that is connected to an ethernet cable?

[If so, proceed]

[If not, say] Thats alright! If possible, can you please move to the best area of your house for internet connection?

[If this does not work, we are not IRB approved to use FaceTime or conduct session via phone yet. May need to reschedule session and/or contact Lab Manager for troubleshooting help.]

Troubleshooting - PC Interactions

Plan B to Zoom recording on PC interaction

If Zoom recording is not possible, parents will be given same instructions - but told to record on their cell phone and upload to a secure private link.

Participants can access the link here. Parents can access this link from their mobile phone or computer.

When they click on the link, they will see the screen below.

Parents can drag their video file directly from their phone/computer into the folder.

The video will appear to the researchers in our Box under BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Data/Wave_1_online/Wave_1_online_parent_child_interactions/Uploads

Videos can then be renamed and organized by the researcher.

Troubleshooting - Protocol Deviations