Wave 1 Online

W1-O Checklists Online

W1-O Checklist - Scheduling Stage

Calling participants from REDCap

  • Participants can be considered “lost to follow up” if they meet all of the following criteria:
    • Researcher has tried to contact individual at different times of day.
    • Researcher has used at least 2 different approaches (e.g. email and phone), UNLESS only 1 form of contact has been given, in which case participant should fully meet all other criteria.
    • Person has been contact at least 4 times.
    • Situation is NOT considered “phone tag” (a participant calls and lab member returns call but keeps missing one another- this shows participant may still be interested, therefore number of contact and lack of response may not be due to lack of interest. Participants in “phone tag” situation should stay on contact list).

Waitlist criteria

  • This regards the “out of town” option on the wave1_Status on REDCap
  • Should include:
    • any participants here live outside of LA, and won’t be coming back to LA (e.g. did not relocate just for COVID-19 pandemic purposes)
    • participants whose age tally exceed 10, the target collection number for each age group in our age range. Refer to the Participant Tally for reference.

PLEASE NOTE: Participants who have not aged out yet, or who are not free at the moment yet, OR live outside the US but plan to come back as soon as the pandemic is over should all still be kept on the contact log and just have a future recontact date. We only want to put people who are going on our “out of town” waitlist (like a plan B, only contact if necessary)!

We will only refer to the waitlist if (1) we will be behind on recruitment for Wave 1 and will need to just schedule people who we know cannot come back for future waves to complete data collection or (2) we will be behind on recruitment for Wave 1 and will need to just schedule people who are anywhere within our age range, rather than targeted numbers by age to complete data collection (3) we have to stay in the pandemic and all future waves will be remote.

Important Reminders


  • Check participant tally before screening to know if we would be scheduling or waitlisting if they qualify
  • When answering the call ask who you are speaking with ( so we know if it’s a parent or teen)
  • If a potential participant is not of age then put their recontact to future around the time they would qualify
  • If screening a family with multiple children each child has to be screened with their own smbb
    • Oldest child gets next available smbb number just like the mbb number protocol
    • Only exception is if we only knew about younger child then during screening mentions they have another child that wants to participate.
  • Triple check you write down the address correctly for participants ( repeat it back to them / spell it out)
  • Do not run session until you are 100% sure they are eligible. If unsure of a criteria verify it before session.


  • Put the W1 for wave one ( e.g. S1 W1 ) on session events
  • For reminder emails put Status: Incomplete in description
  • For Session 1 Reminder 1 call event put “Only if no email response” in the description and then status: Incomplete
  • Whenever you complete a reminder event mark it as complete and update the MBB participant log

Emails to participant

  • Move potential participant email to “Added” tab of MBB once you add them to the participant database
  • All emails to a participant should be in the same thread
    • The thread we initially contacted them at should be the one we send the session confirmation to
      • Remember that email templates need to be edited(e.g. there are no written responses in wave 2 so that chunk should be deleted, there is no ASA in wave 1 so that should be deleted in wave 1, etc.)
  • The easiest way to not forget steps is to do all “ session has just been scheduled” tasks based on the MBB log
  • Make sure you are sending the correct reminder email - S1 R2 is the one with the researcher card

Confirming sessions

  • Do not put as “ confirmed session” on MBB log unless we got verbal confirmation / email confirmation
  • If called and no answer leave a note on the calendar event saying was not able to verbally confirm & also put into SRA chat


  • Log into REDCap with your own account to avoid confusion and for easier identification of who screened each smbb participant
  • After contacting someone change the Wave status “date to recontact” to one week from the current date ( can be two weeks if it’s someone that hasn’t responded in long time)
  • When you schedule a new MBB participant change their SMBB “Wave 1 status” to enrolled

Scheduling and Confirmation

  • Schedule session 1 two weeks in advance from “package mailing day” (see package preparation in pre-session checklist)
  • Schedule session 2 ~one week after session 1
  • Ask Lab Manager to make Zoom link with scheduled session times and save to google calendar
  • Send session 1 confirmation email (in templates)


  • Create participant Box folder using MBB_template (delete blank README from newly created folder)
  • Enroll participant in Wave 1 on REDCap
    • Go to “Add / Edit Records” of MBB
    • Make sure the tab is “Arm 2: wave 1”
    • Type in the next available MBB
      • Be careful because any premature clicking makes a new ID*
  • Fill participant instrument on REDCap
    • Age should be the age of participant at the time of Session 1
    • In notes section add the date and time of session
  • Update Participant Tally


  • Create MBB Session 1/2 calendar events (and invite researcher)
    • MBBXXX WX- Online Session 1
      • Add Lead and backup reseracher, MBB#, participant age, sex,whether Bio or els, and session time in the event decription
    • MBBXXX WX- Online Session 2
      • Add Lead and backup reseracher, MBB#, participant age, sex,whether Bio or els, and session time in the event decription
  • Add participant to the weekly MBB mailing calendar event
    • MBB999 WX (Scheduled for 00/00/00) Sent: Incomplete
  • Create MBB Session 1/2 reminder calendar events
    • MBBXXX WX- Session 1 Reminder 1 (email) - 1 week prior
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Session 1 Reminder 1 (call) - the day after Reminder 1 email
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
      • Add “Only if no email response” to description
    • MBBXXX WX- Session 1 Reminder 2 (email and call) - 3 days prior
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Session 2 Reminder 1 (email) - 3 days before second session
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Session 2 Reminder 2 (call) - 2 days before second session
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
  • Create MBB Home Session reminder calendar events
    • MBBXXX WX- Home Session Reminder 1 (email) - 1 week after Session 2
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Home Session Reminder 1 (call) - 8 days after Session 2
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Home Session Reminder 2 (email) - 14 days after Session 2
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
    • MBBXXX WX- Home Session Reminder 2 (call) - 15 days after Session 2
      • Add Status: Incomplete to the description
      • Add * Only if package missing and have not been in contact with participant* to description

W1-O Checklist - Calendar Reminders

NOTE: all template emails are in bablab gmail

  • Send Session 1 Reminder 1 email
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • Update MBB participant log
    • Confirm package is received
  • Session 1 Reminder 1 call made
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • If no call made put “NA - responded via email”
    • Update MBB participant log - if NA put NA
  • Send Session 1 Reminder 2 email & call
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • Update MBB participant log
    • Make a note on calendar whether they confirmed session
    • Send message to SRA chat whether participant confirmed and tag the researcher running the session
    • Confirm package is received
  • Session 2 Reminder 1 email made
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • Update MBB participant log
    • Confirm package is received
  • Session 2 Reminder 2 call made
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • Update MBB participant log
    • Send message to SRA chat whether participant confirmed and tag the researcher running the session
  • Confirm participant
    • Preferably by phone
    • Update calendar event description to Status: Complete
    • Update MBB participant log
    • Update Session 1 calendar status
  • Home Session Reminders
    • Check participant log to see what info is missing before sending home session reminder emails
    • Check with Kristen if unsure what info is missing
    • Make sure the list of “items needed” is tailored to that participant
    • Send written response links if it hasn’t been completed yet
    • If package missing after home session email reminder 2:
      • send message to SRA chat that participant is still missing package
      • move on to home sess call 2
      • next steps will be on a case by case basis

General Notes about calendar

Session 1 reminders

  • You can differentiate the Session 1 Reminder 1 and Reminder 2 emails by seeing if it says to include Research Profile ( reminder 2 is the one with the researcher profile)

  • the files you attach to the emails are in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Documents/Infographic_next_steps/Wave_1_online

  • consents are in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Documents/Consents/Wave_1_online

  • Research profiles are in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Documents/Infographic_next_steps and remember to drag the picture in show it shows up in the email body

  • When you call you’re just asking them to confirm that the session date and time works for them & that they received package/ *Hi this is ____ from the Brain and Body Lab. I am calling to confirm you are still available for your session on ___. Also, have you received the package?*

Session 2 Reminders

  • You can check if they consented to stool sample by looking at email thread to see the session @ confirmation email the researcher sent them OR you can go to their Session 1 checklist on REDCap

  • Make sure you only include relevant reminders in the email, delete the highlighted parts that don’t apply to them

Home Session Reminders

  • Check the MBB participant log to see if we haev received their package.

    • If the Package COnfirmation section is filled out as complete then we have received package.

    • Lab manager also sends message to SRA to update on packages that are received so can search chat

    • If still unsure if participant has sent package back to us check email thread

  • For home session reminders make sure to only send request if they haven’t sent package back or are missing something

    • If we did receive package but something is missing ( contact list, BSS) then you would request it. Lab manager usually tells whoever is in charge of calendar if things were missing from packages that were received

Misc Notes

  • If the calendar event is for something else such as checking in with a participapant or rescheduling a session the lab manager or other memmber of team will provide the necessary context

  • If unsure about a particicular calendar event you can slack Lab manager or send a message to SRA to see if someone knows answer

  • Remember to mark as complete on calendar and on MBB participant log after doing each calendar event

  • refer to Wave 2 Checklist for script for the text message if it is not in the description of calendar event

W1-O Checklist - Pre-Session 1

Package preparation: “magic box”

(prepare and send from all scheduled participants in the last week, to be mailed 2 weeks prior to session)

NOTE: Printing can be done in black and white. Labeling should be in the notation “MBB___ W_”

  • Print [What is in this magic box and what goes back to the lab?]
  • Print Reward Board (plus gold star stickers)
  • Print/Staple Parent Questionnaire Booklet (in this order)
    1. Parent Questionnaire Cover Page / Parent Proxy Intro
    2. demographics
    3. financial
    4. covid_objective (parentproxy version)
    5. pedsql_gi_parentproxy
    6. pedsql_wb_parentproxy
    7. pedsql_f_parentproxy
    8. easy (revised)
    9. tesi (revised)
    10. cbcl (revised)
    11. cshq (revised)
    12. mb_metadata
    13. med_check
    14. pds
    15. dhws
    16. hpq
    17. parent_stress
    18. cssi (for children under 8)
    19. fci (only adopted)
    20. iai (only internationally adopted)
    21. Parent Self Intro
    22. bdi
    23. covid_objective (parentself version)
  • Print/Staple Session 1/Session 2 Booklet (in this order)
    1. Session 1 Cover page
    2. Pleasant/Unpleasant Events Checklist
    3. Height Measurement Instruction
    4. Weight Measurement Instruction
    5. Waist Measurement Instruction
    6. Saliva Sample Instructions Sheet
    7. Hair Sample Instructions Sheet
    8. Session 2 Cover Page
    9. Contact List and label with participant ID
    10. Stool Sample Instructions Sheet
    11. Bristol Stool Scale and label with participant ID (MBB Specific Version)
  • Prepare 1-2 sharpened pencils
  • Prepare paper measuring tape (for waist and height measurements)
  • Label 2 biohazard bags (with 2 cotton balls in each bag)
  • Label 1 cardboard box (for samples)
  • Label hair sample kit (aluminum foil 7”x7”, painter’s tape with “root end” labeled, 1 ziplock bag pre-labeled with participant ID & Wave)
  • Include a hair comb and alligator clip
  • Label stool sample collection kit (paper clip collection tube and toilet hat together)
  • Insert purple gloves for stool sample
  • Label saliva sample collection kit (collection tube)
  • Insert MBB info card
  • Attach FedEx slip to return mailer
  • Label return mailer with “exempt human specimen” (in sharpie)
  • Take picture of prepaid blue return mailer (marked with MBB number & Wave) and file in participant data folder on Box
  • Insert all labeled items and forms for post-session in blue return mailer
  • Insert all labeled items and forms for session itself in magic box
  • Insert blue return mailer into study package
  • Tape package closed and put BABLAB sticker on
  • Take a picture of study package with tracking information to file offline on researcher computer (NOT Box)
  • Mail “Magic Box” package to participant

Setup - 1 Hour Prior

  • Open up Zoom link for Session 1
  • Read “participant” information instrument on REDCap for notes section for any notes from the scheduler about child
  • Open Slack and keep open for entirety of session for communication with the research team/Lab Manager
  • If Lab Manager, assign all fellow researchers co-host. If SRA, ask Lab Manager to sign on to assign you Host or co-host.
  • Pull up session scripts/protocol, Halloween training instructions, and Halloween Test instructions
  • Send Session 1 Links email
    • NOTE: do not add Gorilla Code to LINKS email- code is their MBB # which cannot be paired with private information (participant’s name/email)
  • Activate the participant’s ID on Gorilla; leave Gorilla open so researcher can track participant progress during behavioral task
  • Prepare Session 1 checklist on REDCap
  • Have the Participant’s MBB and secondary MBB number on hand
  • Preload the Consent/Assent picture slideshow on researcher computer
  • Prepare biological sample kits for demonstration during session
    • hair sample, saliva sample, stool sample
  • Ensure researcher’s Zoom security settings are set for study session
  • Have the following links ready to send to the Participant throughout the session:
    • link to Consent on REDCap with codes ready
    • link to Child’s Gorilla Game
    • link to child questionnaires on REDCap with codes ready

W1-O Checklist - Session 1

  • Welcome & Introduction to Zoom (important features- chat)
  • Session walk-through/package explanation
  • Consent/Assent
  • Parent-child observation (note recording via Zoom or participant recorded)
  • If participant recorded, instruct participant how to upload to Box
  • Explain Questionnaires Parent Proxy or Parent self on second device if available (for parent to complete during Halloween training, Halloween test, and Child Questionnaires)
  • Halloween training
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Waist circumference
  • Halloween test
  • Saliva sample
  • Hair sample
  • Child Questionnaires
  • Stool Sample explanation
  • Contact list explanation
  • Qualitative parent and child free responses (optional) explanation
  • Confirm mailing address for payment
  • Confirm Session 2 time and date

W1-O Checklist - Post-Session 1


  • Submit lab session checklist child
  • Make note of issues to discuss (if needed) in Boxnote for next core meeting
  • Update Participant Tally
  • Update Participant Log


  • Transfer and rename Zoom recording to Box
  • Download and copy behavioral task data (from Gorilla) to Gorilla data folder on Box


NOTE: all template emails are in bablab gmail

  • Session 2 Confirmation Email sent with Zoom link, researcher info (right after Session 1)
  • Session 2 reminder 1 email sent with Zoom link (3 days before session 2)
  • Session 2 reminder 1 phone call made (2 days before Session 2)

W1-O Checklist - Pre-Session 2

NOTE: all template emails are in bablab gmail

  • Send Session 2 Links email
  • Open Gorilla to track participant progress
  • Have the Participant’s MBB number on hand
  • Open home session checklist on REDCap

W1-O Checklist - Session 2

  • Halloween test delay completed
  • Fill in home session checklist on REDCap (halloween test delay information)
  • Stool sample questions answered
  • Wave 2 Interview
  • Bristol Stool Scale reminder
  • Contact information sheet reminder
  • Walk through package to send back (check “mbb_online_package_checklists”) for checklist of items participant needs to send back to the lab

W1-O Checklist - Post-Session 2

  • Save and submit home session checklist on REDCap (halloween test delay information)
  • Update Participant Log
  • Download and copy delayed behavioral task data (from Gorilla) to participant folder (raw)
  • Send Session 2 TO DO List email from bablab gmail templates

W1-O Checklist - Final Online


  • Make low-res parent child interaction video and save on BABLab External Hard Drive
  • Burn all audio and video (low res) files to CD and label/store CD in binder
  • Make manila folder for participants to file all hard copies

Data Entry

  • Enter online session checklist data to REDCap
  • Enter height, weight, waist to REDCap


NOTE: all template emails are in bablab gmail

  • Home Session Reminder 1 Email made
  • Home Session Reminder 1 phone call made
  • Home Session Reminder 2 Email made
  • Home Session Reminder 2 phone call made

After package has been received…

Package confirmation

  • Halloween test delay completed
  • Hair sample received
  • Saliva sample received
  • Stool sample received
  • Bristol Stool Scale data received
  • Questionnaires received
  • Contact information sheet received

Data Entry

  • Enter contact list information into recruitment database
  • Scan and upload parentproxy questionnaires to Box
  • Scan and upload parentself questionnaires to Box
  • Enter questionnaires data to REDCap (parentproxy and parenself)
  • Scan and upload Bristol Stool Scale to Box
  • Enter Bristol Stool Scale data to REDCap
  • Enter height/weight/waist to body measurements on REDCap


  • File Consent/Assent forms in filing cabinet (consent manila folder)
  • File contact list in filing cabinet (contact list manila folder)
  • File Bristol Stool Scale in filing cabinet (participant folder)
  • File questionnaires in filing cabinet if paper versions were sent (participant folder)

Sample Storage

  • Label with PID and Wave and store stool sample (add data quality to REDCap)
  • Label with PID and Wave and store saliva sample
  • Label with PID and Wave and store hair sample
  • Update sample storage log on Box (once all received)
  • Upload all sample photos to Box

Data Quality

  • Data quality check 1
  • Data quality check 2
  • Data review
  • Data audit


  • Prep report card
  • Send report card email (in templates - attach report card)
  • Update participant Wave 2 status


  • Mail payment with science kits
  • Take a picture of tracking information and upload to Box
  • Log participant payment in reimbursement log book
  • Log participant payment in reimbursement spreadsheet
  • Send payment confirmation email to participant

W1-O Checklist - No Show

  • Delete session 2 & reminder calendar events from MBB calendar to avoid confusion
    • Session 2 reminder email
    • Session 2 reminder call
    • Session 2 session event
    • Home session reminder 1 email
    • Home session reminder 1 call
    • Home session reminder 2 email
  • Update [Participant Tally] as “rescheduling” (https://ucla.app.box.com/file/724688028024)
  • Update MBB_Participant_Log – under “Wave 1- online session date”, write “rescheduling”
  • Note in REDcap participant instrument “notes” that participant is being rescheduled.
  • Rescheduling steps
    • Send No-show rescheduling email same day
    • Add calendar event for reschedule call 1 (following day)
    • Add calendar event for rescheduling email 2 (3 days after original session date)
    • Add calendar event for rescheduling call 2 (4 days after original session date)
    • Add calendar event for rescheduling email 3 (1 week after original session date)
    • Add calendar event for rescheduling call 3 (8 days after original session date)
  • IF participant is not reached after 6 previous recontact attempts, make note in the next SRA meeting document, and follow-up with Kristen regarding next steps.
  • IF participant gets rescheduled:
    • Update new date of session in:
      • MBB_Participant_Log
      • REDcap Participant Instrument
    • Recreate S1 and S2 calendar events, as well as each reminder calendar event.

W1-O Protocols - Pre-Session 1

W1-O Protocol - Recruitment Online

Adding Participants to Participant Database

For when there is a new email interest form

  1. Verify that potential participant is actually a new participant
    • In other words check Participant Database to check that they didn’t previously participate / fill out interest form before
  2. Add the info provided on interest submission ( name, age, email, phone number) 3. For column labeled “Added”:
    • Yes if you’ve added them to REDCap
    • No if they haven’t been added
    • Recommended that you add to REDCap immediately and reach out to them
  3. Add participant to REDCap ( see below for full instructions)
  4. Move interest form email from inbox to “Added” tab of MBB
    • “Move to” button is at top next to labels button, make sure you move not just put “Added” label


  1. Check if participant is in Participant Database
    • If not, add them to the Participant Database
  2. Check if participant is in ID Drive
    • If yes, check if they have a Screener ID
    • If not, assign them a Screener ID once contact has been established based on the next available Screener ID # in REDCap and proceed with screening
    • If yes, proceed with screening under existing Screener ID in REDCap
  3. Check participant tally before making call to see if they would be scheduled or waitlisted ( if we reached 15 participants for that age group) if eligible for study


  1. To screen a new participant click “Add / Edit Records”
  2. Click to enter a new Subject ID
    • Make sure Arm 1: Recruitment is selected
  3. Type “SMBB#” (Screener ID) to create a record and hit “Enter”
    • Make sure to link the participants Screener ID and their name on the ID Drive ONLY
    • Before creating a new record, be sure to check the ID Drive to see if the participant already has an existing Screener ID
    • If a record exists, add a new instance of the screen instead of creating a new record
  4. The screening arm contains two parts
    • The screen
    • The wave1_status
      • The wave1_status is to be updated after the first and each subsequent contact
  5. Click on the radio button in the “screen” row to screen the participant
  6. Click “Now” to enter today’s date and time
  7. Select the appropriate choice to start the phone call and follow the skip logic
  8. Follow the skip logic to the end
    • For items without a text field, write the information down in the Recruitment database (This identifying information cannot be on REDCap)
    • In “Notes” make detailed note of relevant info ( eg. Session scheduled for this day, participant has not responded to prior emails, etc )
  9. Once done, select “Complete” and “Save & Exit Form”
    • The screen can be entered multiple times - for instance if there are multiple phone calls or contacts
    • It is important to keep a record of all instances of contact
  10. Click the screen_status radio button
  11. Select the appropriate option
    • Contact - Participant needs to be re-contacted (add Recruitment Database & ID Drive). Participants who are still too young to participate, or are unavailable at the moment should stay on this list but be set for a future recontact time/date.
    • Ineligible - Participant not eligible for study
    • To Enroll - Participant to enroll (need to create subject ID, enter subject info, schedule participant, add to Recruitment Database, add to ID Drive)
    • Enrolled - Participant has been enrolled (all above have been completed)
    • To Remove - Participant wants to be removed
    • Out of Town- Participant lives outside of LA, and will not be returning after the pandemic. This is our “waitlist” of those we will contact if really necessary
  12. Be sure to update the screen status after each contact
    • Update the recontact date on wave status
      • One week from today (date you contacted them)
    • After 3 contacts (with no response) - review (time of day, contact method, etc.)
  13. If enrolled, proceed to pre-session checklist in the participant log
    • Highly recommended to do all post-enrollment tasks by following the “Pre-Session Checklist” on MBB participant log


  1. Open BabLab google calendar and note availability for designated data collection research team.
  2. Check-in with the Lab Manager to see what the designated “package mailing day” of the week is. Participants must be scheduled 2 weeks or more in advance from the “package mailing day”, to ensure appropriate time for the package to be received by the participant.
  3. Create event on google calendar for 2 hours. Notify the participant that sessions may not last the full indicated time, however, we like to designate additional time just in case.
  4. As soon as the participant has been scheduled, create/add to a google calendar event for the designated “package mailing day” of the week the participant ID (MBB number).
  5. This will notify the Lab Manager to create a package for this participant with session and post-session materials when they go into the lab for “package mailing day.”

Other Screening Information

Accessing Lists

To find out where participants are in the recruitment process, there are several lists. 1. Click on “Record Status Dashboard” 2. Participants who have been enrolled will be listed in the Enrollment - Wave 1 list 3. Participants in the process of recruitment will be listed in one of the 4 Recruitment lists - *These lists are populated based on the individuals “Screen Status” so be sure to update after each contact!

List Types

  • Contact - List of individuals who need to be contacted or re-contacted (also includes waitlist)
  • Ineligible - Participants are ineligible but interested
  • To Enroll - Participants who have been screened and are eligible to enroll
  • To Remove - Participants who were not interested in being contacted for this or future research
  • Out of Town- Participants who do not live in LA and will not be returning after the pandemic. This is a waitlist of individuals who we may contact if (1) we are behind on recruitment for Wave 1 and will need to just schedule people who we know cannot come back for future waves so we make sure we get data or (2) we have to stay in the pandemic and future waves will be remote.


If a parent has a concern about the study before the session, send the email template:

  • [MBB_online - CONCERNS]

W1-O Protocol - Session Preparation

Package creation

  • There will be a designated “package mailing day” one day a week in which the Lab Manager will go into the lab to prepare necessary materials and send out packages from scheduled participants in the last week, on the same package mailing day.
  • Once the package materials have been put together, it is time to bring the package down to the mailroom in the Psychology building, Tyler’s Office, OR to the UCLA MDDS.
    • If you go to the mailroom or to Tyler’s Office, you need to have your own box. Tyler can tape up the box for you if needed.
    • At MDDS, they provide free mailers (but no boxes), which can fit materials for up to 1 participant
  • To mail the package to the participant, you will need the following information:
    • Recharge ID
    • Participant name
    • Participant mailing address
    • Lab mailing address
  • From the mailroom: you can write the addresses directly on the box, and circle the recharge ID. Leave the box on the table above the “outgoing mail” sign.
  • From Tyler’s office: you will receive a FedEx label in which you can write this information. Take a picture of the tracking number and save OFFLINE. Leave the box in Tyler’s office for FedEx to pick up.
  • From MDDS: they will package your materials for you, and you will write the shipping information on provided labels. You can also request a tracking number, which they attach to the box for you. Take a picture of the tracking number and save OFFLINE Leave the box with MDDS to mail out.

Zoom security Settings

  1. Require Encryption for 3rd Party Endpoints*
  2. Prevent participants from saving chat
  3. Click on the “security” button and ensure the following items are checked and all other items unchecked
    1. “Enable Waiting room”
    2. “Lock Meeting” after participant has entered
    3. Allow participant to “Unmute Themselves”
  4. Disable Cloud recording*
  5. Host-only screen-sharing
    1. click on the arrow next to “screen sharing” and click on “Advanced sharing options”
    2. Ensure “one participant can share at a time” and “only host” options are selected

*Note that #1 and #4 are the default settings (so those don’t have to be changed).

Activating participant on Gorilla

  1. Log in to Gorilla
  2. Navigate to Projects/MBB/MBB_wave_1_online
  3. Navigate to the participants tab
  4. Click “Activate” for the designated participant

W1-O Protocols - Session 1

W1-O Protocol - Welcome & Zoom Introduction


Hi! Thank you so much for joining us today! We are so looking forward to today’s session with you. Usually, when we conduct a study such as this, we would do it our lab at UCLA. However, with COVID-19 we’ve decided it would be safer to carry out this study online for the time being- social distancing and all!

Our session today should take around 2 hours long. In addition to what we do here today, there will be a follow up zoom appointment with us one week from now. At that appointment, we will reconnect on a second Zoom call in which your child will log on for 15 minutes and complete a computer game.

So first, I’ll just ask- have you ever used Zoom before?

[If yes, say] Great! So you are probably familiar with the different functions here, but I will just give you a little refresher on some buttons we will need for today. The most important thing you need to be aware of is the “chat” button below. If you click on it, a chat box should open- I will be using this throughuot the session to send you imporant links. You may already know this, but you can also display your camera so that it is in gallery view or speaker view in the top right corner. I think it might be best for you to do speaker view so it will feel more like we are in the room together!

[If no, say] No problem! Welcome to Zoom- it is very easy to use! The most important thing you need to be aware of is the “chat” button below. If you click on it, a chat box should open- I will be using this throughuot the session to send you imporant links. You can also display your camera so that it is in gallery view or speaker view in the top right corner. I think it might be best for you to do speaker view so it will feel more like we are in the room together!


Great! If for any reason, we lose each other over Zoom, the connection seems to be bad, or one of us freezes, lets leave the session and try to reconnect on the same link again. If I am frozen- feel free to leave and come back. If you leave and I don;t see you come back, I will try to give you a phone call!

How does that sound? Do you have any questions?

[If no, say] Great! Lets switch gears and talk a little bit about what we are going to do today. Let me just pull up a little presentation we have got!

[Researcher to open up the MBB_Consent_Script_Presentation]

W2 Protocol - Parent Child Observation Online

The parent and child will be seated together in view on the Zoom camera. During that time they will be filmed while solving a conflict, and then again while discussing a pleasant event. The conflict event will always go first, followed by the pleasant event. We did this to ensure that the parents were not thinking of the negative interaction upon answering the questionnaires about their child, which they did immediately after the observation interaction.

[RESEARCHER SHOULD ASSESS VOLUME. If participant volume is too low, recording will not pick it up. Ensure that volume is at an appropriate frequency before proceeding to PC interaction recordings.]

[RESEARCHER SHOULD CHANGE TO SPEAKER VIEW. Participants should be in speaker view so recording will enlarge the parent and child for behavior analysis.]

Step 1:

The researcher will ask the parent to find the Pleasant/Unpleasant Events Checklist piece of paper from their session package.

Researcher: So the first thing we will have you pull out of the magic box is the paper packet titled “Online Session Booklet.” You can flip to the page that says “Issues Checklist.”

Researcher will wait for the participant to find the Online Session Booklet and flip to the correct page.

Researcher: Next we are going to take some film of you while you discuss something that’s hard and try to resolve it. On this piece of paper (Issues Checklist) is a list of things that parents and children sometimes have disagreements about. We will give you a moment to read the list and think about some that you would like to discuss together. Then after about one minute, you will start discussing the things you have selected and try to resolve them. You do not need to tell us what you chose to discuss, and it does not matter if you chose something from this list, or decide to choose something else. Please choose something you can try to resolve (not an emotionally charged topic that would be difficult to discuss together right now). And we want you to remember- this is not a test and there are no right or wrong things to say!

I am going to turn off my camera and mute myself to be out of the recording, and I will also turn my volume down low and will not be listening in closely. I will come back in and let you know when the six minutes are all done!

When you are ready, I will begin the recording and give you a total of 6 minutes- one minute or so to choose, then five minutes to discuss! Are you ready?

Step 2:

  • Researcher will ensure Zoom security settings are set up for the video.

  • Parent and child will be situated side-by-side in view on the Zoom camera.

-Researcher will press record on the Zoom application. Wait to hear the audio Zoom confirmation “this meeting is now being recorded” and view recording in progress at top left of screen to ensure recording is live.

  • Researcher set timer for 6 minutes

Step 3:

  • Researcher will mute themselves on Zoom and turn off their camera, and step out of the room.

  • Researcher will start timer for 6 minutes. At the end of 6 minutes, reenter camera view and unmute themselves.

[After 6 minutes have passed, say] Thank you for taking the time to discuss something difficult. Next we are going to take some film of you talking about something nice. You can flip to the page that says “Pleasant Events Checklist.” On your “Pleasant Events Checklist” is a list of fun things that parents and children sometimes do together. I will give you a moment to read the list and pick something that you would like to plan to do together. Then after about one minute, you will start discussing the things you have selected and try to plan them. Again, you do not need to tell us what you chose to discuss, and it does not matter if you choose something from this list, or decide to choose something else. When you are ready, I will start the recording and then give you a minute to choose and five minutes to discuss!

I will be give you six minutes in total, one minute to choose and 5 minutes to discuss- remember, try to plan whatever fun thing you talk about during those five minutes. After, I will come back into the video call and give you further instructions. Do you have any questions?

If no questions, proceed.

Step 5:

  • Researcher will start timer for 6 minutes.

Step 6:

  • After six minutes, researcher reenters the room and back into camera view, turns up volume on the computer, and stops the recording on Zoom. You will view this notification in the upper right hand corner that states the recorded file will be converted to mp4 once the meeting ends. Move the child/adolescent and parent onto the next task in the session, as the video will not be saved until after the session is complete.

Please visit ” Wave 1 Post-Online Session Protocols to view instructions on how to save the video recording.

W2 Protocol - Halloween Training/Parent Questionnaires

Now we are done with the group activity. You can go ahead and take out your token board and gold star stickers, and stick one golden star on the first block, where the movie icon is!

Next we will move on to some individual activities, where Mom/Dad will complete some surveys while you [Child’s name] plays a computer game. The computer game is about your child’s learning and memory so it is important they don’t get help from you! We actually prefer you don’t watch the screen so you don’t know which pictures they see. If you recall the example from our powerpoint at the beginning of this session, this will be the time that your child will see some pictures on the screen

[If the parent decided to fill out questionnaires on paper, say] While your child is doing the game, you can get started on some parent surveys. So now I will ask you to reach into your Session Package and pull out the booklets titled “Parent Proxy Surveys” and “Parent Self Surveys” and a pencil to fill these out. We ask that you please fill the parent proxy surveys first and then parent self surveys. Some of these surveys are about your child and some of these surveys are about you. The game will take around 5-10 minutes and I will notify you when we are finished. You can go ahead and work on the surveys now while your child plays the game.

[If the parent decided to fill out questionnaires online, say] While your child is doing the game, you can get started on some parent surveys. So now I will ask you to grab your secondary device and log into the “links email” I sent just before the start of our session. In that email, you will find two links and two codes- one for parent proxy surveys and another for parent self surveys. We ask that you please fill the parent proxy surveys first and then parent self surveys. Some of these surveys are about your child and some of these surveys are about you. In addition to these two sets, there is a short packet of paper surveys to complete- these are recollected surveys that you may not have finished from wave 1 of our study. The game will take around 5-10 minutes and I will notify you when we are finished. You can go ahead and work on the surveys now while your child plays the game.

I will now just give [Child’s name] some instructions on the computer game. Let me share my screen so I can show you some examples!

Researcher to open up the halloween_training]

Ok, [Child’s name]- so in this computer game, you are going to go on a trick-or-treating adventure! First, you will be shown instructions that look just like this! The places you will be visiting are scenes that either have a toy or food. Your job is to do their best to remember what toy or food is with what scene.

Here is an examples of what you might see

In this picture, you are at a park and you got pancakes!

Here is another example.

In this picture, you are at a dark forest and you got a pogo stick!

Sometimes you will get food while other times you will get a toy, and sometimes you will be visiting a nice place while other times you will be visiting a scary one. Remember that the type of food or toy will vary and where it is found will differ. You will only be shown the photos for a few seconds, so do your best to memorize what food or toy goes with each place as quickly and as much as possible!

We also want to make sure you are paying attention, so when you see this red triangle, we want you to hit the space bar (or click the square)!

You will be reaching a halfway point where you can just click “continue”

There are TWO PARTS to this game- we are only going to be doing PART 1 right now. So, it is super important that when you see the page that says you’re finished with this part, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!

[Researcher to stop sharing screen.]

So to get setup for the computer game, we will send you a link through the Zoom chat now. Let me know once the link has loaded.

[Researcher to send Gorilla task link through the chat, then wait for them to pull it up.]

If necessary - the link can be found here.

[Then, confirm they are on the right page] You should be seeing a login screen that asks you to enter your primary participant ID screen.

Ok! If you are ready to start, we will just have you or Mom/Dad click “Log in” on [Child’s name]’s page, and you can get started!

Researcher to open gorilla to track participant progress. Click on my projects>MBB>MBB_wave_2>participants tab>scroll to their mbb number and click “view progress”]


[If participants do not seem to check-in with researcher after ~15 minutes, ask if they have any questions] Hi, just wanted to check-in and see if everything was going alright. Do you have any questions?

[Once you confirm on the “view progress” node that Halloween training is complete, say] Great job! We have completed the second part of this session- you can go ahead and take out your token board and gold star stickers, and put another star on the second block!

W2 Protocol - Height Online

Ok, for the next part of this session, we will have you (parent) pause on your surveys so you can help take some measurements from your child (height, weight, and waist). I will ask you to reach into your Magic Box and pull out the paper measuring tape.

Please measure your child’s height in inches.

[Researcher to note child’s height on the session checklist REDCap.]

W2 Protocol - Weight Online

Next, we will do weight! Do you have a weight scale?

[If yes, say] Please go and weigh your child, and return to the screen so we may record the number. You do not have to bring the scale to the camera! [Researcher to note child’s weight on the session checklist on REDCap.]

[If no, say] Can you please record an estimate of your child’s weight? [Researcher to note child’s weight and check “approximated” on the session checklist on REDCap.]

W2 Protocol - Waist Measurement Online

Next, we will do the Waist measurement! You can go ahead and grab that paper measuring tape once again, and measure your child’s waist at the belly button. You can do this over their t-shirt.

  • Advise parent to hold tape measure at the child/adolescent’s belly button and bring it around their waist, over their t-shirt

  • Make sure measuring tape is horizontal around the waist and even in the front and back

  • Keep the tape snug around the waist, but not compressing the skin

  • Have participant breathe in

  • Measure the participant’s waist just after they breathe out

[Researcher to note child’s waist on the session checklist on REDCap.]

Great! [Child’s name]- We finished the height, weight, and waist measurements you can stick a star on the third block of your token board!

W2 Protocol - Halloween “Test” Online

OK! It is time to go back to our learning and memory section.

[Give child instructions on Halloween Test] [Researcher to open up the halloween_test]

Ok [Child’s name]- now we want to see how much of your trick-or-treating adventure you remember. You will see an instructions page like this first!

In part A you will be shown food or a toy and will be asked if you saw that food or toy when you went trick-or-treating. This is where your memory kicks in!

Here are some examples of what you might see.

In this case you are shown a pancake and asked did you see this while you were trick-or-treating

If you answer yes or no you will then be asked how sure are you that you saw that food or toy.

Part B shows the scenes that you visited and asks what food or toy was found there and where it was located on the screen.

Here are examples of what this looks like!

You will be shown a picture like this and asked which of the three choices you saw at that place.

Then you will be asked where on the picture you saw the food or toy.

If you are not sure you remember where the toy or food was,that is completely okay! We just ask that you make your best guess!

Again, when you see the red triangle make sure you hit the space bar or click the square.

When you finish, all you have to do is let me know!

[Researcher to stop sharing screen.]

Can you please go back to the “Gorilla” website. If you still have the browser up that’s great - please refresh the screen to continue. If not, you can go back to the same link as before and enter your MBB ID. Here you will be completing the second part of the computer game.

[Wait for child to log back on with primary participant ID]

If necessary - the link can be found here.

[Confirm that they are on the correct page] If you left your browser up, you should see Part 2 of the game, if you had to click on the link again, you should see the same logon screen where you can enter your MBB ID. Do not click submit just yet!

[Once confirmed, let the parent know they can resume on their parent surveys during this time] So just to reiterate, this next part is about your child’s learning and memory so it is important they don’t get help from you! We prefer you don’t watch the screen so you don’t know which pictures they see. While you wait for your child to complete their task for the next 15 minutes, you can get continue on your parent surveys. Once your child is finished, we can regroup!

Ok! Now you can get started!


[If participants do not seem to check-in with researcher after ~15 minutes, ask if they have any questions] Hi, just wanted to check-in and see if everything was going alright. Do you have any questions?

[Child’s name] great job! Now that we are done with the computer game, you can go ahead and put another star on your token board!

W2 Protocol - Saliva Sample Online

Now, we will do some sample collections! The first one is the Spit Sample. As I mentioned earlier, you can flip to the instructions in your session booklet if you would like, but I will also walk you through it step-by-step! First, please grab your “spit tube” from the Magic Box. When you are ready, I will let you know what to do next!

First, we just want to check-in to make sure you haven’t had any food, water, drink, or gum in the last 30 minutes?

[If yes, say] Ok- no worries, we just have to wait that time before we can collect the spit sample. Let’s move on to the next task and come back to this later! [Researcher to make note on home session checklist and return to this item later in the session.]

[If no, proceed.]

[Researcher to walk through Spit Sample.]

You can throw away all of the packaging once you have finished with the spit tube. All you need to return to us is the tube inside the biohazard bag with two cotton balls, inside the white cardboard box.

We are now done with our spit collection! You can put another gold star on your token board!

  • Researcher has saliva “spit tube” example for explanation to participants

  • Advise parents to have child/adolescent fill spit tube to indicated line

  • Do not count the bubbles at the top, ensure that the saliva reaches the line

  • Close the cap on the spit tube, to release the stabilizing solution and seal the sample Tell parent to close the cap very tightly and to shake the tube for 5 seconds

  • Put the sample in the biohazard bag with the two cotton balls inside

  • Put the biohazard bag with sample inside the rigid box and set aside for now

W2 Protocol - Hair Sample Online

Next up is the Hair Sample. Feel free to flip to the section on Hair Sample Collection in your session booklet, if Magic Box. When you are ready, I will walk you through it step-by-step!

Set Up Hair Sample Station

  • Ask parent to gather the following materials for their “hair-sample station”:

    • 1 sheet of aluminum foil (provided)

    • 1 small ziplock bag with participant ID (provided)

    • Painter-tape (provided)

    • 1 scissor (salon grade if they have)

    • 1 rat-tail comb to thin out hair (provided)

    • 2 alligator clips (provided)

  • Researcher set up the following materials (to help explain hair sample collection):

    • 1 sheet of aluminum foil

    • 1 small ziplock bag with participant ID

    • 1 salon grade scissor

    • 1 rattail comb

    • Painter-tape

    • 2 alligator curl clips


  • Refer to the instructions booklet included in the participant’s magic box, found here: hair_sample_collection_instructions

  • Tell the parent that you will go over it verbally with them BEFORE they should start collecting the sample.

  • Explain to both the child and parent that they will be collecting 30-50 strands of hair. The amount of hair to be collected is less hair than is lost in normal everyday-brushing from the back of the head. Show them the amount on your own head.

  • Inform them how the site for the sampling is hidden by the surrounding hair, therefore not visible after collection.

  • Explain how the sample is used to measure a hormone called cortisol that is present in the hair.

  • Show on the hair sample picture directions sheet the hair sample taken from the wig to illustrate the amount of hair that will be collected (30-50 strands).

  • Offer to show our hair sample collection video if the parent would like a more comprehensive visual.

  • After taking the sample, the parent will tape it to the aluminum foil. When doing this, it is VERY important to place the tape at least 3cm below the root end. To show the parent how long 3cm is, you can use the measuring tape provided, or tell them it is 1.5 inches (really closer to 4cm but better longer than shorter).

  • If hair kit included painters tape, ensure that at least 3 cm of root is above the painters tape, and that the tape does NOT cover the root. If hair is shorter than 3cm, instruct not to use the tape.

  • If hair kit included rubber band, ensure that rubber band is put on hair PRIOR to cutting. The rubber hand then helps secure the bunched hair in the foil after hair sample is taken.

  • When they are ready to package the hair sample, ensure that the foil does not fold at the root- this is a very sensitive area in which we are analyzing, and important not to damage!

  • When finished, hair sample should be put in the foil, in the ziploc bag, in the white box along with the other samples

Hair Length

  • For short hair (less than or just above 3cm, i.e., too short to tape and still have 3cm usable), follow the Short-Hair Protocol below.

  • For longer hair (>3cm), follow the Longer-Hair Protocol below.

  • Ideally, hair samples should be at least 3cm long. If the hair is less than 1cm long, the sample cannot be used.

Short-Hair Protocol (1-3cm)- advise parent to:

  • Select a portion of hair from the posterior vertex of the head (in line with ears is a good reference point).

  • Use the rattail comb to thin out the hair as much as possible, so that the parent is grasping a horizontal line of hair rather than a chunk.

  • Ensure that 30-50 strands are included in the portion being held.

  • Hold the loose hair tightly with index finger and thumb, and cut the hair along the part, as close to the scalp and as evenly as possible.

  • Place loose hairs in foil and fold it securely. Do NOT tape the hair to the foil.

  • Fold the foil without bending the hair, and ensure that the hair does not fall out of the foil.

  • Ensure the root-end on the aluminum foil is labeled and place it in the ziplock bag.

  • Ensure the ziplock bag is labeled with the participant’s ID and Wave.

Longer-Hair Protocol (>3 cm) - advise parent to:

  • Take the comb and part the hair horizontally between the tips of the ears.

  • Take a clip to clip away the hair from the top of the parting.

  • Instruct the parent to grasp approx. 30-50 strands of hair under the hair that has been clipped up.

  • Use the rattail comb to thin out the hair as much as possible, so that the parent is grasping a horizontal line of hair rather than a chunk. After this step, ensure the parent is still grasping 30-50 strands.

  • Instruct the parent to cut the hair sample as close to the scalp as possible.

  • Attach the hair to the center of the aluminum foil by taping with painter’s tape - leave at least 3 cm of hair from the root end; not cover the root end.

  • If parent does not know how much 3cm is, you can: say that they can measure it with the cm side of the measuring tape; if they know inches say it is about 1.5 inches (really closer to 4cm but better too long than too short); or offer to demonstrate based on the length of your own finger.

  • Place the hair inside the aluminum foil in the orientation indicated by the “root” written on the foil.

  • Fold the foil without bending the hair, and ensure that the hair does not fall out of the foil.

  • Place the folded foil in the ziplock bag.

  • Put the ziploc bag back in the magic box.

Now we are all done with the hair sample! You can go ahead and put another star on your token board!

Participants can also watch the video below:

W2 Protocol - Child Questionnaires Online


  • If parents want to cut time, questionnaires can be done at another time, unless we have to read the surveys to the child through share-screen. (This applies to children who may have trouble reading, or are under the age of 8.)

Before Starting Surveys

Next, we will move on to some Child Surveys. [Parent’s name], for this next part we will be asking [child’s name] some questions. Some of these questions might be about you, like about how supported she feels by mom/dad, or her life. We just want to make sure you don’t provide parent help with this part! So if you prefer to step out of the room or if [child’s name] wants to wear headphones while they answer that would be fine- if not, no worries!

[If yes, tell parents to work on parent questionnaires in the meantime. If they will leave the room, we will have the child call them when we are ready to regroup.]

[If no, say this is alright and no worries. Parent can stay in room and work on parent questionnaires. Researcher to take note in session 1 checklist.]

Recollected Surveys

[If there is a child recollected survey that needs to be administered complete recollected surveys before doing rest of surveys]

So these next surveys are ones that we noted were not completed during your first round of sessions with us. We wanted to include them here so that you may complete them if you would like. Of course, like everything else in the study these are optional so if you do not wish to provide this information, you may skip any question.

For recollected surveys we will be sharing screen and reading out the survey to the participant regardless of age.

In a moment, I am going to share my screen with you, so you can see the survey questions. I will then read out each question and answer choice and [child’s name] can tell me your answer. Does that sound okay?

[Researcher to share screen]

Wave 2 surveys

[Check how many surveys child has to do before either beginning with child surveys]

Ages 8+

I can either send you the link to the surveys and you fill them out on on your own or I can share my screen and read the questions out loud and you tell me what to respond.

[If the child wants to do it together, refer to instructions under AGES 6-7 below]

[If the child wants to do it on their own, say] I am going to send you a link through the Zoom chat, with a code you will input to access the survey! We are ALMOST done with the session, and these surveys will not take too long and I will be here if you have any questions!

[Confirm the child is on the right page before proceeding.]

[To the child, say] Let me know if anything is confusing, or if you have any questions! Let us know when you are all done!


Ages 6-7

In a moment, I am going to share my screen with you, so you can see the survey questions. I will then read out each question and answer choice and [child’s name] can tell me your answer. Does that sound okay?



Now that we have finished all of your surveys, we can take out the token board and put a gold sticker down. Look, we are just about done!

[If parent departed the room or if child is wearing headphones, ask child to get parent back on screen or take headphones out so parent can rejoin the session.]

W2 Protocol – Explaining at home part of Session 2

At this time, I will now ask you to reach into your Magic Box and pull out your “Session 1 Booklet” out and flip to the cover page that says “Session 2 Booklet” so I can walk through the Session 2 instructions

[Wait for participant to retrieve Session 2 Booklet]

  • Stool Sample explanation & BSS sheet

    • In the “Session 2 booklet” there are instructions for the POOP Sample Collection and a short survey that should be filled out after the poop sample collection. There is a toilet hat and a gut kit in the session package, which are the two major materials you will need for this collection. Please complete the poop sample collection and finish filing out the surveys this week so the package is ready to be sent out by our second session next week.* If you have any questions please reach out to us via email or give us a call.*


  • ASA explanation

    • You will also be filling out one more survey called the ASA. The survey asks what your child’s general diet and what they generally eat which gives us information about their nutrition. If you fill it out we can also send you a nutrition report later if you are interested. It is entirely online and we will be sending you the link to the survey in an email shortly. The session 1 packet should have a page that says ASA. That page has the login information which you will use to access the survey.
  • Sleep Diary explanation

    • Your child will be filling out a sleep diary every day for the week between today’s session and your session 2. The sleep diary is in the survey packet after the page that says Child self.
  • Confirm Session 2 date and time

    • I just wanted to confirm that your current session 2 date and time still works for you. If the package is ready by the time of your session 2 are you able to drop it off that day or the next day?
  • Payment

    • Explain that once the return mailer has been received to the lab after the second session, we will send payment through the mail

W2 Protocol - Reporting

If an item on the “reporting” list is activated regarding potential Domestic Violence

  • Researcher to chat with parent alone at the end of the session

[Researcher say] So now that we have reached the end of the session [child’s name] is all done! Congratulations and thanks so much for your hard work today [child’s name]! Can we just grab [parent’s name] for a chat real quick? This last part will just be between mom/dad and me.

[Researcher to wait for child to leave]

Awesome! So I just wanted to check-in about something with you real quick. Your child may have answered an item in our questionnaires related to [parents pushing or shoving each other/parents throwing things during fights]. It is in our protocol to just check-in and make sure everything is alright at home. UCLA has many resources we can connect you to if necessary. Is everything alright?

If yes, say

Great! I am glad to hear it. Thanks for letting us know! [Then proceed to thanking them for session and what to expect next week, etc.]

If no, say

Are you in any immediate danger at the moment?

[If yes, say] Thank you for letting me know. We are going to get in touch with our supervisor immediately. Please give me a moment to get in touch with her now. Researcher will then slack and call Bridget immediately at 347-741-4103.

[If no, say] Would you like us to connect you with some resources at UCLA? If yes, What sort of support would you be looking for? I’ll take this to my supervisor and she will give you recommendations and give you a call!

If no, but you don’t feel that everything is alright, say

Thank you for letting me know! I know this might be a bit difficult to talk about, and as we mentioned earlier in the session it is just part of our protocol to check-in, so our supervisor will be giving you a call some time in the next 24 hours to ask you some more questions. Researcher to slack Bridget immediately and call her at 347-741-4103.

If Suicidal Ideation arises…

Researcher to slack Bridget and call her immediately at 347-741-4103. Try to keep the person on the phone while Bridget gets in contact with the participant. If something happens and a participant mentions they may harm themselves/dropped off the call before you are able to reach Bridget, let Bridget know immediately and you will proceed together.

W2 Protocols - Post-Session 1

W2 Protocol - Saving the Video

Step 1:

When the session is complete, click the bottom right hand button to end the meeting. You will immediately see a window pop up to indicate the recording is being converted and saving to your computer.

Step 2:

When the video conversion is complete, the video files will be saved in a folder titled “Zoom” on your computer, wherever your current automatic working directory is saved.

To check where your automatic working directory is saved, login to Zoom and click on “Recordings” on the left menu column. Then switch to “Local Recordings” and view the Location for correct Meeting Recording you have just captured.

Step 3:

There will be three files in the folder- find the mp4 file and click open to ensure you have captured and converted the file successfully.

Step 4:

Check the External drive for the participant’s secondary ID number, and rename all 3 files with their secondary ID (MBB_2_XXX). Then upload to Box in Save files to box in Box/BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Data/Wave_X/Wave_X_parent_child_interactions/MBB_2_999

For more detailed instructions with photos see Wave 1 protocol

W2 Protocol - Downloading the Gorilla task data

  1. Login to Gorilla and navigate to the experiment’s data tab.

  2. If data is up to date, you can go ahead and click download.

2b. NOTE: ENSURE you are on the correct VERSION PICKER. You can double check your participant’s version number in the “recruitment” tab where the participant lives. Change the version picker to the correct version for that participant.

  1. If data is not up to date, scroll down and click the necessary options, then click “Regenerate Data”.

  2. You will see a wait screen as it generates.

  3. After a few minutes click into “Manage experiment data” again and download.

  4. Unzip the file to your desktop.

  5. Open the correct training and immediate test files and check that the participant’s data is all there. NOTE: can check the participant’s specific nodes to see the code of their halloween test delay, which will tell you which file their data is located in.

  6. Save this file in the Gorilla data folder on Box as “month_day_year.csv”

For more detailed instructions with photos see Wave 1 protocol

NOTE: If the data downloads and the first line of the participant’s data is there but the rest is missing, follow this protocol:

  1. Go to an earlier version of the task, regenerate, and download data

  2. Go back to the version of the task that the participant belongs to, regenerate, and download data

  3. Check to see if all the participant’s data is there

W2 Protocol - Session 2 Confirmation Email

  • If session scheduling has not changed, copy Zoom link and Session 2 time information into Session 2 Confirmation Email and send

  • If session scheduling has changed, update google calendar. Then, copy Zoom link and updated Session 2 time information into Session 2 Confirmation Email and send.

W2 Protocols - Session 2

W2 Protocol - Halloween Test Delay

[Once Zoom is Connected]

Hello! Welcome back to Session 2! [Ask how they are doing, and if they were able to do the Stool Sample collection. Answer any questions they have about their Home Session tasks (Stool sample, BSS sheet, Contact list, ASA)]

So today we are just going to do one quick task, collect the blood sample ( if stool sample is done and they consented to blood sample), walk you through how to close up package and send it back to us, and then answer any questions you might have.

OK! It is time to go back to our learning and memory section.

[Give child instructions on Halloween Test] [Researcher to open up the halloween_part_3]

Ok [Child’s name]- now we want to see how much of your trick-or-treating adventure you remember. You will see an instructions page like this first!

You will first be shown food or a toy and will be asked if you saw that food or toy when you went trick-or-treating. This is where your memory kicks in!

Here are some examples of what you might see.

The next set of questions show the scenes that you visited and asks what food was found there and where it was located on the screen.

Here are examples of what this looks like!

We also want you to remember that this is not a test! Just try your best!

When you finish, all you have to do is let me know!

[Researcher to stop sharing screen.]

So to get you setup for the computer game, we will send you a link through the Zoom chat now. Let me know once the link has loaded.

[Wait for child to log back on with primary MBB ID]

If necessary - the link can be found here.

[Confirm that they are on the correct page]

[Once confirmed, say] Ok! Now you can get started!

[Once finished with game]

[Child’s name] great job! Now that we are done with the computer game.

W2 Protocol – Home Session Check In

I wanted to check in if you were able to do the poop sample, fill out the BSS and finish the parent_proxy and parent_self surveys?

If yes: “ Great, thank you for completing all of that before our session today!

Proceed to doing blood sample.

If no: When do you think you will be able to finish? We will need to schedule a short 5 minute Zoom call within the next week so we can collect the blood sample. The sooner we are able to do that the better.

  • Schedule the third session within the next week at a time that works for you and the parent so blood sample can be collected.

  • Emphasize that poop sample needs to collected before that session.

W2 Protocol – Tasso Blood Sample Online

[Verify they consented to blood sample during session 1]

Now we will be doing the blood sample. The kit comes with detailed instructions you can reference but I will also be going over with you right now.

Tasso Blood Sample Collection Video

  1. Rub arm quickly and firmly just below the shoulder. Rub until it’s very warm to help your blood flow.

  2. Clean arm with alcohol pad.

  3. Open device pouch by pulling apart white and clear layers.

  4. Remove clear plastic cover over the red button.

  5. Peel paper tab behind the red button. Keep sample pod pointing down.

  6. Stick device to shoulder. Do not remove once it’s on.

  7. Press button quickly and firmly until it can’t go any farther. Wait two seconds then let go.

  8. Start a 5 minute timer. Keep arm at your side and watch dots fill. You won’t see blood right away.

  9. Peel off the clear film to expose the sample pod vent.

  10. Place device in the foil return bag and seal. Leave the moisture packs in the bag.

  11. IMPORTANT: Write collection date and time on the inside flap of the box.

    • Researcher will also make a note of date and time sample was collected and put it in notes of REDCap checklist
  12. Place bag in box and seal with the strip.

  • Note that if blood sample needs to be stored overnight ( if the package is not sent out on the day it is collected) please store it in a cool dry place not under direct sunlight.

  • If the package is ready to be sent back we will do the blood sample now and it needs to be sent out today / tomorrow at the latest

  • It is important that the blood sample be sent back the day it is collected or day after so emphasize that it is important that the whole package get sent back asap after blood sample collection.

  • Check that they write down date and time the blood sample was collected on the box the kit comes with

W2 Protocol - Mailing Package

Next, I just want to check-in with you about mailing the package back to the lab.

  • Reference the Package Checklist which has a checklist for every item they need to send back to the lab

  • Everything goes into the mailer with the FedEx sheet on top

  • Double check that stool and saliva sample are correctly packed (tube in biohazard bag with absorbent, inside rigid white box)

  • Double check that blood sample is correctly packed ( in biohazard bag with absorbent, inside rigid white box)

  • Drop off at any FedEx location or post box

W2 Protocol - Payment

  • Explain that once the return mailer has been received to the lab after the second session, we will send payment through the mail

  • Explain that they should expect an email from us when we send the package, and if they haven’t heard from us one week after we have sent the package, call to check-in about the payment

W2 Protocol - Prize

  • Before showing prize options check Prize Log to verify what prizes are available.
  • Ask what prize they want. We will share screen and share the prize presentation. Whatever they choose researcher will make a note on checklist and lab manager will reference that when sending payment package. As prizes get claimed those choices will get crossed out.

You get to choose a prize for participating in the study! I am going to share my screen to show you the different prize options we have.

[Researcher will open up Prize Presentation]

  • Once participant chooses prize researcher will make a note on the REDCap checklist.

Great, we will send your prize with the payment!

W2 Protocol - Testimonials

[ Only ask if participants seem like a good candidate for a testimonial / had a particularly good experience particiapting.]

We wanted to know if you are interested in providing a testimonial for our website about your experience participating in our Mind, Brain, and Body study. If you choose to provide a testimonial we will post it on our website. We would also include first name and your child’s first name and age if you grant us permission to do so. Is that something you would be interested in?

If yes: Great, thank you for your interest in sharing your experience! Please send us the testimonial via email and indicate whether we can include your names. It can also be anonymous if you would prefer that.

If no: No problem at all, thank you for participating in our study!

W2 Protocols - Post-Session 2

W2 Protocol - Downloading the Gorilla delay test data

  1. Login to Gorilla and navigate to the experiment’s data tab.

  2. If data is up to date, you can go ahead and click download. NOTE: ENSURE you are on the correct VERSION PICKER. You can double check your participant’s version number in the “recruitment” tab where the participant lives. Change the version picker to the correct version for that participant.

  3. If data is not up to date, scroll down and click the necessary options, then click “Regenerate Data”.

  4. You will see a wait screen as it generates.

  5. After a few minutes click into “Manage experiment data” again and download.

  6. Unzip the file to your desktop.

  7. Open the correct delay test file and check that the participant’s data is all there. NOTE: can check the participant’s specific nodes to see the code of their Halloween test delay, which will tell you which file their data is located in.

  8. Save this file in the Gorilla data folder on Box as “month_day_year.csv”

W2 Protocol - Downloading the ASA data

  1. Navigate to the ASA website - Slack Lab Manager or check internal for login
  2. Check whether participant has completed their ASA surveys by clicking on “Track Recall/Record”
  • User IDs for Wave 2 should take the format of MBB2999
  • Scroll to the bottom of the list for the most recent entries
  1. If the participant has completed the ASA, download their nutrition report
  • Scroll to the right and click on the “View” button under the Nutrition Report column
  • Click File>Print then Save as PDF under the naming convention “MBB2999_asa_nutrition_profile.pdf”
  • Save to the participant’s Wave 2 MBB data folder in the Report_card folder and delete the 999 template
  1. If there is no nutrition report, it is because the particiant neglected to fill out crucial information (e.g. age, sex, pregnancy questions) that ASA requires in order to build the report. We cannot get the report unless the participant were to redo the entire survey, so move to step 5 if this is the case.
  2. If the participant has completed the ASA, we also need to get their data outputs
  • Click on “Analytic Files” and select “One Respondent”
  • Type in the participant’s MBB2999 ID in the User Name
  • Select “Download analysis files” and you should get 6 csv files in your downloads folder
  • Rename the files according to the templates in the participant’s MBB data folder in questionnaires>asa and save
  1. Mark off as complete on the Wave 2 data entry sheet of the participant log

W2 Protocol - Session 2 TO DO List Email

  • Fill in templated email with all leftover tasks for participant to complete

  • This email is designed more for participants who have not done the stool sample yet, or still have outstanding tasks from Session 1 that we’d like to remind them about immediately/are time sensitive.

W2 Protocol – If blood sample not collected during session 2

  • Add to calendar the date and time scheduled to meet with participant again to collect blood sample. This is going to be a session 3 of sorts.

  • Change home session R1 email 1 calendar event date to one week from blood sample collection (session 3 )

  • Change home session R1 call calendar event date to 8 days after “session 3”

  • Change home session R2 email calendar event date to two weeks after “session 3”

  • Change home session R2 call calendar event date to 15 days after “session 3”

W2 Protocol - If participant had feedback to give

  • If participant provided feedback on their experience or had comments to give us make a note of it on the “other notes” section of the session 1 checklist on REDCap. Also send a message to lab manager with an overview of feedback provided and whether it is feedback we should consider for the future.

W2 Protocols - Final

W2 Protocol - Storing Saliva Sample

  • Screw lids on very tight (to prevent evaporation)
  • Log the location (grid) on the sample storage log

W2 Protocol - Processing Saliva Sample

Sample Transfer

  • Wear appropriate PPE:

    • Gloves
    • Lab coat
    • Safety glasses
    • Surgical Mask
    • Closed-toe shoes
    • Long pants
    • Hair tied back
  • Prepare your station and ensure that you have the following:

    • Incubator with thermometer
    • Vortex machine
    • Eppendorf pipette (1000uL)
    • Pipette tips (wide bore, sterile, universal fit)
    • 2.0mL cryogenic vials (with O rings, sterile)
    • Saliva samples in room temperature plastic box
    • Test tube rack
    • Transport box with divider
    • Industrial Sharpie for labeling
    • Notebook for sample logs with pen

Steps for incubation:

  • Retrieve the box of saliva samples at room temperature in BAB Lab Cabinet 1 and carry them to HPL.
  • Plug in and turn on the incubator, turn the dial to level 10 and ensure the red “heating light” is on.
  • Continuously check the incubator to see what if temperature has reached 50-55C.
  • While waiting for the incubator to hit 50 C, clean workspace using ethynol and paper towels (dispose these in the regular trash bin)
  • Open the saliva sample box in HPL and note down the list of samples to be processed today, and ensure the lid on each of these samples is shut very tight. If the lid is slightly opened, the sample may risk evaporation during incubation.
  • Ensure you are wearing gloves when grabbing the 2.0mL cryovials. Label two cryovials per sample for those that will be processed today (use the Industrial Sharpie). Place them in the transport box for temporary storage.
  • When the incubator has reached 50C, turn down the heat to level 6. The incubator temperature will still rise slowly, but when the door is opened for samples to be put in, the temperature can drop anywhere between 5-10C, depending upon how long the door is opened. To account for this temperature loss, heat the incubator to about 55C.
  • When the temperature reaches 55C, open the incubator door and place all saliva tubes standing upright on the incubator tray.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: the incubator is extremely sensitive to movement - the saliva samples are likely to fall over with any large tap and/or placement of saliva samples on the tray inside. Be very careful placing samples onto the tray, closing the incubator door, and opening the incubator door once the incubation has completed.
  • Close the incubator door very carefully and turn the knob as needed to regulated the temperature towards 50C. If the heat has dropped significantly, turn to level 10. If the heat has dropped slightly, move towards 6-8. If the heat is still too high, drop to level 2-4. If the heat is about right, keep the knob at level 5.
  • Note down the current time and set an alarm for 2 hours to continue processing. Continue to check the incubator regularly to ensure temperature level is still at 50C and heat level does not need adjusting.

Steps for processing:

  • Once the tubes have incubated for 2 hours, retrieve the cryovials, test tube rack, pipettes, pipette tips, and sample log notebook with pen.
  • Very carefully, open the incubator door and remove five samples to place in the test tube rack. Close the incubator door. (NOTE: the samples are not very hot, so no additional safety protection is needed beyond gloves. If extremely sensitive to heat touch, use a paper towel to grab the samples out of the incubator.)
  • Carry the five samples in the test tube rack to the vortex machine. Place one sample on the vortex machine and press down, holding for 20 seconds while the sample is shaken.
  • After each sample is vortexed, turn the sample upside down and back up to see if any is still too viscous. If so, vortex for an additional 20 seconds.
  • Carry the samples back to the Pipettes in the BAB area of HPL. Select the 1000uL pipette and spin the dial until the numbers on the back of the pipette read 1000. Open the box of pipette tips.
  • PIPETTING SAMPLE: Locate the labeled cryovials for the sample you will process. Open the sample tube and place back down into the test tube holder. Open the cryovial and hold tube with one hand. Grab the pipette, push down into a new pipette tip, place into sample, press down until first stop, release to suck in first 1000uL. Release the sample into the cryovial, pressing down until second stop. Place pipette down on its side. Close the cryovial and place back into transfer box. Open the second cryovial, pipette what is left from the saliva sample into the second cryovial before placing into the transfer box. When there is no saliva left in the sample tube, close it and dispose in the biohazard bin. Release the pipette tip by pressing on the button located on the back of the pipette into the biohazard bin. Write down the sample quality and location in the sample log notebook.
  • Wipe down the table with ethynol before replacing gloves, disposing in biohazard bin.
  • Return to the incubator for the next five samples, repeating the PIPETTING SAMPLE step above for the rest of the samples.
  • Once the samples have been processed, transfer the samples to the -20 freezer in the saliva box.
  • Turn the knob on the incubator back to zero, and turn the incubator off. If researcher would like to return the incubtaor to room temperature quick, the incubator door may be opened to release heat faster.
  • Take a picture of the sample log notebook and transfer notes to the sample log on Box

W2 Protocol - Storing Hair Sample

  • Store the sample in a dry area at room temperature

W2 Protocol - Storing Stool Sample

Sample Quality

  • Put on gloves.
  • Open the mailer to ensure that it contains both the stool sample (in biohazard bag) and the Bristol Stool Scale.
  • Check for quality of the stool sample by shaking it up and down vigorously (keep the sample in the biohazard bag), then check for its consistency and color - It should be a dark-brown liquid.
  • If stool sample does not meet requirement (e.g. sample is in solid form or amount collected is too little), contact the family to see if they would be willing to send another sample with compensation.
  • Contact family if the Bristol Stool Scale is missing in the mailer.

Sample Transfer

  • Wear appropriate PPE:

    • Gloves
    • Lab coat
    • Safety glasses
    • Surgical Mask
    • Closed-toe shoes
    • Long pants
    • Hair tied back
  • Prepare your station and ensure that you have the following:

    • 2.0mL cryogenic vials
    • Stool samples in biohazard bag
    • Test tube racks
    • Transport box with divider
    • Sharpie for labeling


  • Clean workspace prior to placing shield down and paper towel over shield
  • Untwist two 2.0mL vials and place them on the side of the shield to prepare
  • With the stool sample collection vial still in the biohazard bag, shake it up and down vigorously
  • Take the stool sample out of the bag and label with industrial sharpie
  • Take a photo of the sample to store on Box
  • Untwist the stool sample collection vial, and carefully pour the sample into the first 2.0mL vial (It’s okay if the ball does or does not get transferred)
  • Stop pouring when solution reached the 1.8mL line to prevent overflow, and pour the remaining sample (if any) in a second 2.0mL vial
  • Cap the 2.0mL vials tightly to prevent spills
  • Label the 2.0mL vials with an industrial sharpie, ensure it has the participant ID and Wave and vial number
  • Place the labeled 2.0mL vials in the transport box with divider
  • Close the now-empty stool sample collection vial, put it back in the biohazard bag, and dispose it in the biohazard waste bin
  • Clean-up work station, dispose the drape, and wipe down the table top with disinfectant wipe.
  • Remove PPE and wash hands with soap and water thoroughly
  • Bring the transport box to the -20 upright freezer in HPL
  • Place the 2.0mL vials in their designated space in the freezer box (in accordance to the Sample Storage Log Diagram)
  • Log the sample in the Sample Storage Log
  • Update the Stool Quality on REDCap

Taking out the Hazards

-Take the Hazards key with you from the lock box in the Lab. Make sure there are two keys attached- a large gold key and a small gold key. -Head to HPL. Once inside, put on PPE. -Find the large gray cart in the back room, and wheel into the main HPL lab space. This will assist you in carrying the Hazards bin to the waste area. Put the entire Hazards bin (with the hazards bag full of materials) onto the gray cart.
-Ensure you either leave the HPL keys in the lockbox on the door or take them with you. -Wheel the cart to the elevator and take it down to level A. Turn right into the hallway and take another right out to the double doors that lead to the loading dock. Exit the building and be sure to close both doors- these doors cannot be propped open. -Wheel the cart to the gate. Use the small gold key to open the lock holding together the chains that lock the gate closed. Once you have the gate open, carry the hazards bin inside. -Take out the hazards bag and tie it closed. Leave the tied hazards bag in one of the red bins in the corner. -Bring the hazards bin back to the gray cart. Use the gold key to lock the chains and gate back up.
-Use the large gold key to reenter through the double doors. Take the elevator back to floor 1. Head back to HPL. -Once back in HPL, find a new hazards bag- the Brain and Body Lab hazards bags are located on the first shelf above our space in the corner. If we run out, Dr. Robles kindly invited us to use the Hazards bags in the HPL space which are located underneath the tables by the refrigerator.
-Discard your gloves into the newly replaced hazards bag.
-Make sure to return the Hazards keys to the lock box in BABLAB.

W2 Protocol - Tasso Blood Sample Storage

  • Lab manager should try to store sample within one day of receiving sample
  • Take the blood samples to HPL
  • Take out the blood sample and twist off the button (counterclockwise until it stops, then release the sample from the button), leaving only the blood sample itself to be stored
  • Discard the button in the biohazard bin in HPL
  • Place silver Tasso biohazard bag with blood sample and silica gel in its designated space in the freezer box (in accordance to the Sample Storage Log Diagram) in -20 freezer
  • Update MBB log
  • Log the sample in the Sample Storage Log

W2 Protocol - Data Entry & Data Quality

Data Entry

Data Quality

W2 Protocol - Data Review & Data Audit

Follow-Up (completed by Scheduling Coordinator)

  • Before sending Home Reminder 3, make sure RA’s have completed Data Entry, Data Quality Check 1, and Data Quality Check 2.
  • After sending Home Reminder 3 - create blank Trello card for participant on “In Data Review” list of Data Audit Board.

Data Review


  • Once card has been created, do Data Review.

  • Checking for completion of:

    • child questionnaires (see child questionnaire table)
    • parent proxy questionnaires (see parentproxy questionnaire table)
    • parent self questionnaires (see parentself questionnaire table)
    • hair sample
    • saliva sample
    • stool sample
    • blood sample
    • bss sheet
    • contact sheet
    • halloween delay test
    • height, weight, waist
    • PC interaction video
    • halloween training and test data captured
  • After completing Data Review, move card to Good Sample, Bad Sample, or No Sample list based on the stool sample.

Data Audit

Before reaching out to participants

It is important to check that information marked as missing on the participant’s Trello card is actually missing before reaching out to participant to request it.

  • Check for the missing information in the participant’s folder on Box

  • If a REDCap survey is missing check if it was maybe just not input on REDCap but is there in participant folder

  • Look through email threads with participant for info on why a file might be missing or if they sent it to us in the past

  • If it is info the researcher collected during the session ( height, weight, waist) check if researcher has that info

IF the information is actually missing then you can go ahead and reach out to the participant

  • You will be sending them editable copies of the files they are missing. It is advised you create some way to track each file ( ex. you can name file as date of session and then delete that name later on)

  • There is an email template available in the BAB email under templates titled “MBB_O - Data Audits Mind Brain Body Study”

Timeline for Data Audits:

  1. Call participant and request missing information from them (surveys, contact list, etc). After calling ( and leaving a voicemail if they don’tt answer) send them an email requesting they fill out missing info and upload it to our Box folder

  2. One week later call them again and send another email. Leave a voicemail if they don’t answer.

  3. One week later call them again and send a third email. Leave a voicemail if they don’t answer. At this point if you have not heard from them at all you can end the audit for that person.

    • if you have heard from participant but haven’t gotten the missing info then extend the audit a week or two at your discrection if you think they will complete the missing info.

Documenting the audits

The folder for Box uploads is in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Data/Wave_1_online/Uploads Check it to see if participant’s have uploaded the missing info

After each contact

  • Make sure you write in the description the date you reached out to participant and any notes from the contact

  • If the participant did not seem willing to provide the missing info make a note

  • If participant emailed add date of contact into description too

Successful Audit

  1. Add the missing info to the participant’s folder on Box.

  2. Make a note on participant’s Trello card that you received the missing info.

  3. Add the info to the ammend list on the Trello card.

3.1) If you know how to input the information into REDCap and have time to do so you can add the info and then mark that item on amend list as completed.

  • If you input the missing data then go to the participant log and mark it as complete on the Data Quality Check tab
  1. If there are any items that need to be amended add an amend label to the Trello card

  2. Move the Trello card to the appropriate Done column of Audit dashbaord

Unsuccesful Audit

  1. Make a note in the description of participant’s trello card that the data was not received

  2. Add the no response label to the card.

  3. Move to the appropriate Done pile of Audit board

Getting A Code From REDCap
  1. Log onto REDCap and click on “record status dashboard”
  2. Click on designated participant
  3. Click on the first incomplete questionnaire for the parentself, parentproxy, or child questionnaire sets
  4. Click on Survey Options
  5. Click Survey Access Code and QR Code
  6. Copy and paste web address and code + send to email to participant

Refer to Wave 1 protocol for more details

W2 Protocol - Report Card

Scored Cbcl data for the report cards can be found in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Scripts/Wave_2/Data_scoring/Cbcl/cbcl_scored

Running script to get cbcl data ready

  1. Ask lab manager to update REDCap raw data file.

  2. Open the R script for scoring cbcl using RStudio. Make sure you open with desktop Box BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Scripts/Wave_2/Data_scoring/Cbcl/cbcl_scoring.Rmd

  3. Change the line with file name so it has the most updated file.

3.1 To access the raw data file name go to BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Scripts/Data and look for most recent date.

  1. Run the script by clicking run all.
    • if there is an error saying data file couldn’t be found make sure the file name is correct
    • Make sure you have all the “packages” needed for the script downloaded in your RStudio

Making report card

  1. Open a participant data folder - BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Data/Wave_2/Wave_2_data

  2. Navigate to the report card folder and rename the template file - MBB999 to the relevant participant - and open the file

  1. Navigate to the last page of the pdf and fill in the scores for this participant. You can type directly on the page- it is a fillable form.

  1. The data you are inputting into the report card comes from the file titled “Cbcl_scored.csv” which can be found in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Scripts/Wave_2/Data_scoring/Cbcl

4.1 Some info about the scored cbcl data file

  • Make sure you do not save any changes you make to the cbcl file. Open the file on Desktop Box

  • You can freeze the first row of the data by going to Layout tab and then the Window section. Click on freeze first row

  • Make the names of the columns fully visible by clicking on the 1 to highlight row 1 then clicking Wrap text.

  1. After you have entered the data, it should look like this:

  2. If there are any comments, enter them on the comments page.

  • For example, if any NA’s are present due to less than 70% of data for that subset being available to calculate a score - note that here.
  • If there are no comments, delete this page.
  1. Important- Once you have completed the edits to the pdf, you must follow these steps to “lock” the data so that it is no longer editable before sending to the participant. To do so, click file/print/PDF/Save as PDF. Save the PDF to your desktop, then replace the original PDF with the desktop version.

  1. The report card is now ready to be sent to the participant.


  • If the scores for a particular participant seem off check in with the lab manager so they can verify there isn’t something wrong with the cbcl script

  • The fill in spots for the aggressive behavior row don’t match the rest of the document so there are two small text boxes where you can put in the values

Sending report card email

  1. Make a copy of certificate template on your desktop, type in participant name, and save as a pdf

    • certificate is in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Payment/Wave_2/Wave_2_print
    • when you save it as a pdf open it then rotate it so the pdf is oriented correctly
  2. Open participant’s report card pdf and save a copy to your desktop without the participant ID which will be attached to email

  3. Open up report card email template & fill in highlighted parts

  4. Attach thank you letter, cerificate, and report card to email

    • thank you letter is in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Payment/Wave_2/Wave_2_print

W2 Protocol - Payment

Payment package contents:

  • Payment box
  • Type in participant’s name and print copy of certificate
  • Print thank you letter
  • include prize chosen by participant (check REDCap session 2 checklist for choice)
  • Include Amazon gift card payment
  • send gift card codes in payment email
  • Check stool sample quality- if poor, send another stool kit

Mailing payment package

  • Once the package has been created and sealed, it is time to bring the package down to Tyler’s office in the Psychology building.
  • To mail the package to the participant, you will need the following information:
    • Recharge ID
    • Participant name
    • Participant mailing address
  • From Tyler’s office, you will receive a FedEx label in which you can write this information
  • Take a picture of the FedEx label and upload to Box
  • Leave the package in Tyler’s office for FedEx pickup
  • Send payment confirmation email to participants

Recording Payment

  • Log participant payment in reimbursement log book
  • Log participant payment in reimbursement spreadsheet

Payment emails

  1. In the same email thread that you’ve been emailing participant open up the payment email template

  1. Fill in highlighted parts.

  1. Add in the gift card codes

    • gift card codes are under last name of caregiver in BABLAB/Studies/Mind_Brain_Body/Payment/Wave_2/Gift_card_codes
  2. If we’re still missing anything from them ( a survey, contact list, etc) also request it in the payment email

  3. Mark payment email as complete on the MBB participant log in column called ” Send payment confirmation email to participant”